Dare you face the lord of the oceans?
Leviathan is a wargame that has been rescued from the demise of intruded.net, previously hosted on leviathan.intruded.net. Big thanks to adc, morla and reth for their help in resurrecting this game!
What follows below is the original description of leviathan, copied from intruded.net:
Difficulty: 1/10
Levels: 8
Platform: Linux/x86
Author: Anders Tonfeldt
This wargame doesn’t require any knowledge about programming - just a bit of common sense and some knowledge about basic *nix commands. We had no idea that it’d be this hard to make an interesting wargame that wouldn’t require programming abilities from the players. Hopefully we made an interesting challenge for the new ones.
Leviathan’s levels are called leviathan0, leviathan1, … etc. and can be accessed on leviathan.labs.overthewire.org through SSH on port 2223.
To login to the first level use:
Username: leviathan0
Password: leviathan0
Data for the levels can be found in the homedirectories. You can look at /etc/leviathan_pass for the various level passwords.