OverTheWire Wargames
Natas Level 9 –> Level 10
Username: natas10
Password: nOpp1igQAkUzaI1GUUjzn1bFVj7xCNzu
URL: http://natas10.natas.labs.overthewire.org
- Open inspect, there is textbox take a code and button send us to a page contain source code lets see it
In this page page it is obvious that what we will write in previous textbox will be inject in linux command “grep -i $code dictionary.txt” after filter {& ;} - We can’t use prvious code as they filtered some characters so think another way
- What if we grep from pass file and comment the rest
grep -i c /etc/natas_webpass/natas11 # dictionary.txt
- That’s the password
Natas11 Password