Web Security
Challenge Name:
Challenge Description
I Have a Message for you.
- Open the link then try to login with:
Username: demo Password: demo
- There isn’t any response from the website so lets see ‘robots.txt’ file of this server
- Open [] you can see that directory “/?source” is disallowed for search engine lets see its content
- Open [] its contain php code which check entered username and password which he compare with ‘base64_decode(‘Q3liZXItVGFsZW50’)’ ```php <?php
$user = $_POST[‘user’]; $pass = $_POST[‘pass’];
if ($user == base64_decode(‘Q3liZXItVGFsZW50’) && $pass == base64_decode(‘Q3liZXItVGFsZW50’) { success_login(); } else { failed_login(); }
* Decode this string with base64 command to know the username and password
echo 'Q3liZXItVGFsZW50' | base64 -d
- Return to the main link then enter the username and password we have already generate ``` I Have a Message For You
..-. .-.. .- –. -.–. .. -….- -.- -. —– .– -….- -.– —– ..- -….- .- .-. …– -….- – —– .-. … …– -.–.- ```
- This symbols implies that it is morse code, we can decode it using this online tool
- You got the Flag!!
The Flag