Web Security
Challenge Name:
Challenge Description
Do not Start a fight you can not stop it
- Open inspect from (ctrl + shift + c) then scroll down ther is an account details
Guest Account: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Username:Guest Password:Guest
- Use above data to Login
- Using Burbsuit or cookie-editor to see cookies
- From URL encode “%3d” implies “=” so current cookies equal “bG9naW49R3Vlc3Q=” (Base64 decode)
- Decode base64 using linux command
echo 'bG9naW49R3Vlc3Q=' | base64 -d login=Guest
- Now we want to change ‘Guest’ to ‘admin’ then encode it
echo 'login=admin' | base64 bG9naW49YWRtaW4K
- If you try it using Guest instead of admin you will see that it ends in ‘k’ but in cookies he remove it then appeand ‘=’ (in URL encode ‘%3d’)
- Change website cookies to what we have generate (bG9naW49YWRtaW4%3D)
- Reload the page
- You got the password!!
The Flag