CyberTalents - Web Security
Challenge Name:
Challenge Description
Flag is restricted to logged users only , can you be one of them.
For the first look, the website is somehow empty just a hint which tells you that you need to be logged in to get the flag, so let’s investigate deeper.
Opening inspect to see the Html source code must be the first thing light in your mind, which will lead you to javascript code that makes a post request to a specific endpoint with the PHPSESSID cookie value when the browser cookies aren’t empty.
extract the PHPSESSID value from the browser cookies
From the above discovery, we know that setting a value for the PHPSESSID cookie will fire a logic behind the scene, so we will add an arbitrary value for it using Cookie-Editor extension or just modify the request using BurpSuite.
When refreshing the page a new output will appear telling you that “Session not found in data/session_store.txt” where we notice a path to sessions data, hitting on the link: “http://CHALLENGE_LINK/data/session_store.txt” will list sessions’ ids that you can use to test the cookie instead of the arbitrary value.
Trying again to set the PHPSESSID cookie will show you that ‘UserInfo Cookie doesn’t have the username, Validation failed’ which means that we need to set another cookie “UserInfo” to bypass the validation, but how we will get the username for the current session id??
Do you Remember the js code from the first step? there was a post request to an endpoint called “getcurrentuserinfo.php” that takes the PHPSESSID as a parameter, I guess that the endpoint name point to the next step :)
Using curl you can easily hit the endpoint to get the required info
curl --form "PHPSESSID=[SESSION_ID_FROM_DATA_FILE]" http://[CHALLANGE_LINK]/getcurrentuserinfo.php
"name": "USERNAME",
"email": "EMAIL",
"session_id": "SESSION_ID"
For the last step set the UserInfo cookie with the username you get from the endpoint. walaa you have bypassed the validation and now you are logged in successfully :)
The Flag